Sunday, September 14, 2008

tiny list for a huge menu

funnily enuf, i only had to buy bacon, chard, asparagas and pork chops 2day. all the other items were defrosted from our freezer. "what?! you don't have bacon in your fridge?!" you ask? yes, tis sad times in the café.

you'll see lots of donburi bento this week since shmantz had many days where he needed lunch and dinner. donburi seems to fill him up more. maybe cuz i end up packing more rice. and ...

SURPRISE! shmantz packed all the bento himself this week. i made everything 2nite, and left him a mess of tupperware stacks and a menu for each day to figure everything out. we'll see how good he is at following directions. predictions, n-e-1?


Lilo-chan said...

Well, I guess since you made it home and Schmanz is still alive, he figured out how to pack his own lunch. :)

Lilo-chan said...

my bad, i can't spell, shmantz. lol

akemijoy said...

waiting for more shmantz-y bentos! where's the rest?

i predict, fun times at the cafe!